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originally published: January, 2016

birmingham health physiotherapy
Quick Start up Guide To Men’s Health Physiotherapy

Lots of resources

Physiotherapists, health professionals and patients may know a little about Women’s Health Physiotherapy as we all know someone who has had a baby and we all probably have had a relative or friend who has had gynaecological surgery. Both groups will have possibly seen a Specialist women’s Health Physio.


But what is Men’s Health Physiotherapy?
This is another very specialised area of Physiotherapy that is possibly less well known. The key areas of practice within Men’s Health are

  1. Prostatectomy: Urinary Incontinence , Erectile dysfunction
  2. Chronic Pelvic Pain
  3. Sexual Dysfunction
  4. Athletic Pelvic Dysfunction especially complex lumbar spine, pelvis and hip pain
  5. Faecal Incontinence
  6. Post colorectal cancer
  7. Urinary Incontinence

To get a real feel of the scope of practice of Men’s Health Physiotherapy listen to the Dr Ruth Jones and Bill Taylor Podcast


If you haven’t time currently to listen to the podcast but I would try and make time later, have a look at Jo Millios ( Leading International Men’s Health Physio) resource page which has some great stuff on Men’s Health


Stuart Baptiste is one of Australia’s leading Men’s Health Physios and he has some great resource material on you tube that is worth looking at


Social Media
Men’s Health physios can be hard to locate and have a tendency to work either alone or with a very small peer group. The Men’s Health Physiotherapy Facebook group set up by Jo Millios has grown to about 700 MH physios and professionals interested in this topic so join in the conversation. It has some of the world’s leading Physios posting and sharing


Twitter has also played a huge part in building a Men’s Health community and spreading the message that Men’s Health Physio can play a huge part in mainly conditions. Check out this tweetchat run by the Australian Physiotherapy Association and Jo Millios. Here is the transcript that will give you access to some great physios on twitter


Men’s Health Physiotherapy CPD Courses

Gerard’s Course Site

If you’re interested in Men’s Health but wonder what happens on a course here is a blog on a course run by leading International MH PTs Dr Ruth Jones and Bill Taylor. The course was not just excellent but career shifting for a lot of people


Here is also a blog about the course from leading Male Pelvic Sports Therapist Karl Monaghan


What do Musculoskeletal Physios think of Men’s Health Physiotherapy?
Two leading UK Musculoskeletal and Sports Physios are Eoin o Connaire (Ireland) and Adrian Wagstaff (UK). Here are two great short blogs they have done about what MH Physio means to them




What should I start to read on Men’s Health Physiotherapy ?
This is very much a personal choice but resources that I have personally found useful and all of the authors have invested a lot of time as strong advocates for MH Physiotherapy.

Dr Grace Dorey: Seminal paper on Physiotherapy and Erectile Dysfunction

Peter Dornan: Pelvic Pain

Peter Dornan: Conquering Incontinence

Suzanne Chambers: Facing The Tiger

Craig Allingham : Men’s Action Plan

Chaitow & Jones : Chronic Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction

Isa Herera ; Ending Male Pelvic Pain



Men’s Health Physiotherapy is at an exciting phase being fuelled by the global Physiotherapy #globalpt community on social media. Get involved.

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