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originally published: October, 2018

birmingham health physiotherapy
Hard Flaccid Podcast with Dr Susie Gronski from USA : we need your help!!

Hard Flaccid Podcast with Dr Susie Gronski from USA : we need your help!!

Susie is a USA Men's Health Physiotherapist or as they say stateside "Physical Therapist". Susie is a bit different in that she has made a big effort to get guys to open up about pelvic pain, ejaculatory pain, hard flaccid syndrome, rectal pain by bringing more of an edgy humourous  approach and she says the "cock " word a lot!! 

Her book " Dr. Susie Gronski's 'Pelvic Pain: The Ultimate Cock Block"  has very quickly become a must read for men with pelvic pain beginning to rank alongside must reads such as " Teach us to sit still " & " Headache in the Pelvis " .

Gerard and Susie met on twitter or Facebook ( I can't remember as we seem to have known each other sometime now) as they share a common interest in helping as many men as possible with pelvic pain or pelvic problems or in Susie's words " problems in your pants". Sounds better when she says it!.

Gerard & Lisa see lot of men with hard flaccid syndrome in their Birmingham ( UK ) clinic and Susie sees lots in her USA clinic but also her online clinic. Gerard and Susie are doing a Podcast ( interview ) on Hard Flaccid syndrome on 22nd October 2018 but we would like people to send us questions for it via twitter @gerardgreenephy or email gerard@greenephysio.co.uk  

Many thanks   Gerard

Link: Get Susie's amazing book
Link: Our Hard Flaccid Patient blog

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