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Location: Harborne
Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 9.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am - 5.00pm
Sunday: Closed
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online appointment system
or phone 0121 270 9480
originally published: April, 2020

birmingham health physiotherapy

WE ARE OPEN AND OFFERING ONLINE PHYSIOTHERAPY APPOINTMENTS TO OUR EXISTING PATIENTS AND NEW PATIENTS. This is something Gerard and the clinic have done for a long time, so they know how it works best.

Online Physiotherapy Appointments

How are you feeling? Like us probably quite uncertain about many things.

In these challenging times you may feel you can’t access help or treatment for your pregnancy, post-natal or pelvic floor issues or your sports injury or musculoskeletal issues (joint or muscle problem). You may not be able to access your GP for that new bout of sciatica or neck pain or your NHS Physio may no longer be able to see you due to the focus on battling COVID19. Your physiotherapy may have stopped abruptly or hasn’t even started. Your pregnancy class or post- natal class may also have stopped.


It’s stressful enough managing the current situation, but you don’t need to also worry about losing the progress you had been making with treatment or worrying about not being able to find a physiotherapy specialist to help you. We all have enough to worry about as it is!


During the COVID-19 crisis we will continue to treat our new and existing patients on our ‘online’ platform. Many of our patients and clients have become an important part of our physio clinic family and we will ensure we are still her for you during this uncertain time and for new patients.

We have a reputation for seeing patients from all over the UK and from abroad and we have used online appointments with those patients for several years. Now we can offer those appointments to all our existing patients and new patients.

Many of the patients we see have complex pelvic heath conditions such as male or female pelvic pain, post prostate urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pudendal neuralgia or bowel problems. We also see lots of mums to be with pelvic girdle pain and new or more experienced mums with tummy gaps, low back pain, bladder or bowel problems or difficulties getting their body back to where they want it. We also see lots of mums who want to get back to activity, sport & exercise. We are one of the few clinics in the UK to see children with either bladder or bowel problems or children with development problems, orthopaedic conditions or motor delay. In addition, we also see lots of people with sports injuries, back or neck pain or those conditions that you normally associate physiotherapy with.

All the above conditions will still go on despite COVID19 and we know that anxiety, stress, poor sleep, emotional trauma all make the above conditions much worse. It’s also a time when our activity levels have dramatically changed.

We have both a local and UK reputation as a leading Physiotherapy clinic and we will continue to be during this health crisis. Gerard & the team are still available to see you but from the comfort of your own home

How do the online appointments work?

We work closely with our physio family. We have several years of online consultations to draw upon but in the last week we have got some feedback from our local patients and friends of the clinic. Based on what they have suggested we will continue to work with Zoom appointments and will let you know how you do that. It is easy. However, if Skype is your thing, we can also do that.

To book an appointment you can email or ring the clinic ( gerard@greenephysio.co.uk) or 0121 2709480 or book online via the website. If you are unsure who you should see or have any problems booking give us a call.

With best wishes, stay safe and thank you for your continued support of the clinic as we continue to adapt and evolve.


Gerard & Team

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