We're open! Today's hours are 7:30am - 9:00pm.

Business Hours

Location: Harborne
Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 9.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am - 5.00pm
Sunday: Closed
Make appointments using our
online appointment system
or phone 0121 270 9480
originally published: October, 2021

birmingham health physiotherapy
Big events we are running in November / December 2021

Big events we are running in November / December 2021

Big Live Online Events for November and early December 2021. The last few months have been really focused on getting the London clinic open and busy and training up with Benoy Mathew Rushabh Savla and the Venn Team on using Focused Shockwave for pelvic health patients. However, great to be back working with Sarah Marsh Lisa Marie Hastie and Suzanne Carney to deliver some amazing live online and fully recorded courses. These guys are brilliant clinicians, educators and innovators and do the really hard work of seeing lots of complex patients in clinic i.e. they are definitely #tutorswhotreat Here in the clinic and on the courses we love working with them and all details on: 

Link: Our course website

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