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originally published: January, 2023

birmingham health physiotherapy
Hard Flaccid: And yes, it does get better if picked up quickly: A patient review: January 2023

Hard Flaccid: And yes, it does get better if picked up quickly: A patient review: January 2023

Hard Flaccid: And yes, it does get better if picked up quickly: A patient review: January 2023



I came across Gerard via a blog on his website, so given the fantastic experience I’ve had in clinic with him, I wanted to repay the favour by doing a review.


I contacted Gerard almost 3 months ago, following some alarming symptoms. After a heavy week at the gym (doing heavy upper leg work) and lots of sexual activity during that week, I woke up to find that I had lost sensation in my genitals, and in the top of my feet. There was also a hard feeling in my penis despite being flaccid, while my erections were severely limited. As a young, healthy, and physically fit man, who has never had any such issues, I was alarmed!


I went to see my GP, a Urologist, and even went for a trip to A &E. Aside from the hospital doing a lower back MRI (and giving me all clear), I felt pretty fobbed off; no one really seemed to know what to do.


My appointment with Gerard was completely different. I was very anxious because of the symptoms, and Gerard’s subsequent approach really put me at ease. Unlike the other appointments I’d had, Gerard took his time, listened carefully to my symptoms, and conducted a thorough assessment. I was so relieved when he said he saw these kinds of symptoms regularly, especially from people who might have over-worked themselves at the gym. He suggested it was likely due to pelvic floor dysfunction, gave me some exercises to do, and reassured me that there was a solution.


3 months on and after only 2 appointments, my symptoms are 95% resolved. Sensation has fully returned, and so has erectile function. I sometimes get a small feeling of heaviness, but it’s so rare and minimal that I wouldn’t have previously noticed it! Besides, just redoing the exercises improves symptoms instantly.


I spent a lot of time stressing and reading Reddit forums at the start of the symptoms; there’s a lot of anxiety and false information out there! I’m so glad that I reached out to Gerard early, and I’m so grateful for his support! If thoroughly recommend to any man suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction.


JT: January 2023

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