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- Location: Harborne
Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 9.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am - 5.00pm
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harborne physio & acupuncture news
Pregnancy Massage with Shannel: “Make time for you”

Harborne physiotherapy has an excellent reputation for its specialist pregnancy and post-natal physiotherapists. We are also heavily involved with training other physios, chiros, and other clinicians in this specialist area both in the UK and internationally.
Shannel has an amazing reputation as a brilliant soft tissue therapist, is always booked up and is a key part of our team at Harborne.
You said and we did: Lots of our mums to have told us we need to offer pregnancy massage in the clinic and now Shannel has been to London, trained up and and is now delivering pregnancy massage. Everyone who see’s Shannel raves about her and she has worked closely with Gerard and the team for almost 2 years now. She also knows what the pregnancy and post-natal physios do also.
Who can Shannel see: Second trimester onwards and pregnancy that is going well? If you have pelvic girdle pain or symphysis pubis dysfunction you need to see one of the pregnancy physios first.
What can she help with: Shannel can help you “make time for you” as pregnancy is a busy time? It can help with muscle tightness, aches, and pains but it really allows you time for yourself to relax, unwind and just be.
How to book: You can book for yourself, your partner, friend or relative or buy someone a voucher.
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